Serpent Blog

Words We Must Remember 
As I continue to read and come to know the words and thoughts of Martin Luther King, I am continually awestruck by his wisdom. How is it that we were not taught this in school? We are given a holiday for this man, and until about a week ago I really could not tell you why. Here, is one small part of the reason why Martin Luther King is, in my humble opinion, the greatest American:

"...I am concerned about a better world. I am concerned about justice. I am concerned about brotherhood. I'm concerned about truth. And when one is concerned about these, he can never advocate violence. For through violence you may murder a murderer but you can't murder murder. Through violence you may murder a liar but you can't establish truth. Through violence you may murder a hater, but you can't murder hate. Darkness put out darkness. Only light can do that."

If you have not read the speeches of this man, ALL of them, then you have deprived yourself of some great wisdom. "I Have a Dream - Writings & Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr. is a good place to start.

I am convinced that the time is right for King's words to be resurrected and broadcast. I am convinced that mankind can change his ways. I am convinced that we can love each other and help each other and make this world a better place than it is today.

This is my mission, my humble mission. This is my dream.

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Vilhelm Ekelund 
To ask for the whole thing cut and dried at once is a great error. There is no use sitting down waiting for clarity, believing that your work will reveal itself in a flash and show you the roads to it free of charge. You have to grope your way in good faith and be content with little. In that way you keep your strength and courage alive. One frequently meets a type of very talented artist or poet lacking the capability for such slow, sinewy search, unwilling to put his hand to his work until he has got it as a kind of gift, and in some mysterious manner - with all difficulties and doubts blown away. Meantime, however, the strength seeps out of him simply because of lack of exercise, just like a muscle languishing away when it lies unused, and people with much less talent but with more contentment [desire] surpass him easily. Whoever believes himself wise and "a genius" once and for all, has closed all windows and doors to the truth, but whoever is aware of his weaknesses has opened them and will be rewarded.

Vilhelm Ekelund

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